Tuesday, May 20, 2014




Pro-choice. This is not a discussion of religion or where life begins or right to life. If you strong beliefs related to those, then YOU don't have to get an abortion. This is not even a discussion of "women's rights" or rape and not even "my body, my choice". This is a pure children's rights debate. Do other people have the right to terminate an embryo or fetus in the event of a potential pregnancy or, in your eyes, "murder an unborn child". 

YUP. Think of it through the context of the relationship between independence verses rights. Independence from innate ability. An unemployed man who lives with his mother technically has the same rights as any other able adult, because of his potential independence. Meanwhile, a sick elder and a young child have fewer rights. A parent has partial ownership, or, to use a better word, jurisdiction over the child (government invalidates this by exerting authority over independent adults). As you grow older and become potentially more independent, you acquire more inherent self-autonomy. That is why an embryo has very few rights. Some even say it is a parasite. And some rightfully say it does not have the right to be born. Regardless, an impregnated woman has authority over the fetus/embryo. Not Rick Santorum. Plus, I could go into how you need big government to regulate bans. 

Side note: I'm not going to go into it's possible future or any other ridiculously abstract questioning. Same with adoption and overpopulation. 
Libertarians on Abortion

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