Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Death Penalty


Death Penalty

Nope! I have no opinion regarding whether a crime can deserve death. I'm not worried about human rights or humane treatment. I'm against because of distrust of the government. I don't trust the government's justice system to truly pinpoint a truly guilty person. In fact, many people have died in prison that years later we find out were innocent. Benjamin Franklin said "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer." 

The government screws up a lot and innocent people get screwed. For example, why are so many  No one has the godly ability to pass on that sort of permanent judgement. 

I have no guarantee that a free-market, competing justice system can avoid a death penalty. But I know a lot of people who are personally against it and will not support such systems. If there is a demand to prevent such an extreme, imperfect punishment, I believe the market can eradicate it.
Pickle Writing

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