Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Recommended Facebook Likes


Good for Laughs, Think Tank Info, News

Bold are my favorites:
Free Enterprise Institute (FEE)
Mises Institute
Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)
Cato Institute
Nobody for President
The Art of Not Being Governed
This is Not Satire (still don't know if it's libertarian or not)
Progressive Libertarianism
Political Pidgeotto (Pokemon metaphors?)
Capitalism Magazine
Libertarian Troll
Oh, Silly Government
The Advocates for Self Government
Visible Friends Network (marriage equality?)
Campaign for Liberty
LGBT Libertarians
I bet Ludwig von Mises can get more likes that John Maynard Keynes (yup)
We the Individuals
Speak Liberty NOW
The Right to Secede
Personal Liberty
ObjectoBot (Ayn Rand?)
Freedom Unfiltered
Audit the Fed (ban, please?)
Being Libertarian
Taxation is Theft
National Review and Fox Nation (see what the religious necons are up to)
...thats means Being Liberal too...

The "Man"


The "Man"

This is a common subject talked about: no, there is not a man in the relationship, because that's the point. A lot of people get really sensitive: "Stop applying your patriarchal assumptions to non-straight relationships". I honestly use this as an opportunity to make a general observation that applies to all relationships, based on my experiences. I believe that almost every romantic interaction has the "courter/inducer", typically a guy in hetero situations, or the more androgynous/masculine one in non-hetero. Or, it is the more confident one, someone with more experience/sexual prowess: sometimes a girl in hetero situations, or the less masculine/androgynous one in non-hetero situations. Additionally, this person is typically more "dominant" or "leading in the relationship". Like if my partner has been with a lot more girls than me/better at sex/more aggressive in sex, than I respect their prominence. Or I take the lead when I am with someone who has recently come out/shyer than me.

So is there a man in the couple? No, but there is someone more prominent. This is not always the case but it is my experience. 

Shifting the Burden of Proof


Saving Babies

Yeah, it sorta works like that. Thought I'd take another hit at religion.

George Carlin.


When I hear a person talking about political solutions, I know I am not listening to a serious person.--George Carlin

Love, love, love him. For one reason: he doesn't buy political garbage. We need more people like him. Not necessarily libertarian people, but people who at least understand that hey, the system seems kind of ridiculous. Really, the first step to freedom is realizing that politics is not the answer and the government is full of garbage. Like completely. George Carlin is also a hilarious comedian and I highly recommend any of his clever commentaries on society, religion (he's atheist), etc.
NY Times

Oliver Heldens


Oliver Heldens X Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive)

The music video is weird, but this song is crazy good--seductive and fascinating. 

Oliver Heldens is one of my favorite garage (genre) producers. Becky Hill is a UK singer/songwriter.

Death Penalty


Death Penalty

Nope! I have no opinion regarding whether a crime can deserve death. I'm not worried about human rights or humane treatment. I'm against because of distrust of the government. I don't trust the government's justice system to truly pinpoint a truly guilty person. In fact, many people have died in prison that years later we find out were innocent. Benjamin Franklin said "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer." 

The government screws up a lot and innocent people get screwed. For example, why are so many  No one has the godly ability to pass on that sort of permanent judgement. 

I have no guarantee that a free-market, competing justice system can avoid a death penalty. But I know a lot of people who are personally against it and will not support such systems. If there is a demand to prevent such an extreme, imperfect punishment, I believe the market can eradicate it.
Pickle Writing

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Arguing with Father


Within minutes of my father trying to argue for drug laws, praising the ridiculous incarceration rate...
I am yelled at for "fighting" (debating back) and ridiculed for saying you have the right to use drugs, and even to destroy yourself (trying to compromise and equate drugs to destroying yourself) as a part of liberty.
"I don't wanna fight anymore."
He lost.
I give up.
Political Humor About

Good Together


Good Together

"Yeah I know this girl who lives near you who people say is a lesbian. You should meet her. I bet you'd like her."
I know she is the only other lesbian you know. And the fact that she is lesbian does not mean I'll like her. The fact you didn't automatically assume I know her is a start though. No hate, guys. Just messin' around!



Mitt Fitts

Thought I would throw in a double-whammy.

College Fiasco


College Fiasco

This article exposes the higher education complex and how to stop it. Another oldie.

"Now this is key: the government cannot fix this. It needs to get its grimy paws out of this business. It is not here to rock us in our carriages and “educate” us up to our first salary. It is largely responsible for this fiasco in the first place (I did not even mention how pesky licensing has required unnecessary degrees). My prescription is to use your power as a consumer in the marketplace. Realize college is not a magic, safe investment like we’re told."
CNN Money

Murray Rothbard


There was one good thing about Marx. He wasn't a Keynesian. --Murray Rothbard

I love this quote because it points out how moderate, deceptive socialism is worse than outright socialism. Keynesian isn't blatantly socialist, and even pretends to be semi free market, so it can find mainstream acceptance, which is more dangerous than radical Marxism. Murray Rothbard...you need to research him yourself. Great, great scholar.
Daily Reckoning

Fedde le Grand


Michael Jackson - Love Never Felt So Good (Fedde le Grand Remix)

I usually don't like regular house and Fedde le Grand but this song is spotless and it puts me in a good mood.

Fedde le Grand is a Dutch house producer. Good for popular, basic tunes. And Michael Jackson...well we all have our opinions. Can't deny he makes good party tunes.




Pointless! Immoral but more pointless. First of all, it's a ritual of the State, thereby making it superstitious and evil. By voting you are consenting to the petty workings and ceremonies of the government. You acknowledge that you believe that you can have sort of effect by working in the system. I always tell people, at the DMV especially, that I do not "believe" in voting just as one would not believe in Communion. I think that by not voting you are being defiant, even if you are refraining from sheer laziness or preoccupation, for you are putting yourself before the not so urgent voting process. 

Voting is not democratic because elections are bought and corrupted or determined by the electoral college process. Corporate and special interest groups always win, period, so it does not even matter. And democracy is clearly terrible anyway! I don't have to explain that. And even if you're trying to prevent a greater evil, you are still supporting evil! And even voting libertarian, you are supporting an evil system and...

Once again, voting is useless! Your vote does not determine anything. It's not really your voice. Can we concentrate on real change from outside the system?
Hour of the Time

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



Libertarian Troll

Alcohol, Drugs, Prostitution, Junk Food


I'm Still Not a Libertine...

There are a ton of losers in the world. And some people are just depressed. That is why we have unemployed alcoholics, reckless drug addicts, sleazy sex-seekers, and fat losers. What made them this way? It's the same idea as "what kills people". People, because even without a gun, murderers are murderers and will find a way. Just as alcohol, drugs, prostitution, and fat food do not destroy your like, causing you to drop out of school, abuse your family, become unemployed, and disrespect your body. Banning these things will not stop people from going off the right path. These things just accompany degradation and can always be replaced by, I don't know, excessive masturbation or sniffing markers.

I'm actually SICK of governments, teachers, and intellectuals overlooking the human's need for release and escape. They worry more about the things one uses than the poor inner-city child who's life was so bad he had to resort to these things. Let's help our brethren out by asking what's wrong and not deny an irrelevant, in control person's the right to a smoke here and there or an old man who lost his wife a year ago's right to a prostitute. Still more importantly, these addicted PEOPLE need attention. And I don't mean a jail sentence.
Big Think




"Well, they're not lesbian actually. And they live in--"
"--What? You're seeing multiple people."

No. And don't you dare say "they is". You sound even dumber. Kidding again! I don't mind explaining "gender-queer" or "trans". Old folks need to get with it. 

Wage Slavery


This Is Not Satire

Dumb, rich people, why? (Great facebook page too)

Thomas Sowell


I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else's. --Thomas Sowell

Insightful look at greed, indeed! Sowell is a great conservative libertarian thinker whose book A Conflict of Visions I highly recommend to learn about philosophers and traditionalist verse idealistic views. His authority on race and equality subjects has earned him appearances on Friemans' Right to Choose show, which I also highly recommend for an introduction into mainstream libertarianism. 



Cassius - The Sound of Violence (Tha Trickaz Remix)

This is a fantastic old song that recently arose in a popular video of a cat trying to "catch the bass"

Cassius is a French dance music duo. Tha Trickaz are too but do dubstep. As for the cat video...




Pro-choice. This is not a discussion of religion or where life begins or right to life. If you strong beliefs related to those, then YOU don't have to get an abortion. This is not even a discussion of "women's rights" or rape and not even "my body, my choice". This is a pure children's rights debate. Do other people have the right to terminate an embryo or fetus in the event of a potential pregnancy or, in your eyes, "murder an unborn child". 

YUP. Think of it through the context of the relationship between independence verses rights. Independence from innate ability. An unemployed man who lives with his mother technically has the same rights as any other able adult, because of his potential independence. Meanwhile, a sick elder and a young child have fewer rights. A parent has partial ownership, or, to use a better word, jurisdiction over the child (government invalidates this by exerting authority over independent adults). As you grow older and become potentially more independent, you acquire more inherent self-autonomy. That is why an embryo has very few rights. Some even say it is a parasite. And some rightfully say it does not have the right to be born. Regardless, an impregnated woman has authority over the fetus/embryo. Not Rick Santorum. Plus, I could go into how you need big government to regulate bans. 

Side note: I'm not going to go into it's possible future or any other ridiculously abstract questioning. Same with adoption and overpopulation. 
Libertarians on Abortion

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Fall of America


The Fall of America

This article shows the tie between morality and reason and the failures of society. Also an old piece!
"Societies inescapably crumble because of the immorality and greed of the rulers. America is no different. Its rulers—its people—were bound to become greedy eventually. The Boomers ignited this downfall, with the combination of a rejection of religious and social principles, and acceptance of government control. It is up to our generation to decide, with reason, whether we can preserve the system or protect the torch of liberty. Who knows? What if we decide that we do not need these systems at all, that we do not need something to worship? Then again, isn’t this blasphemy?"




"What matters most in life is who you chose to be your husband, er, partner."
"I bet she'll be wild in college, get a crazy boyfriend, er, partner."


Yes, I will call them my partner... But really, the word "partner" is so gay and assuming. Ha, ha. I don't really mind. It's funny. Seriously, you could use much more neutral terms: spouse, lover, etc.

Marijuana Plants Fight Back


Political Pidgeotto


Canadian Libertarian



Son, you finally got it.

Barry Goldwater


Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. --Barry Goldwater

Favorite quote of all time! My senior quote too. If people could realize just one thing...Really, this guy was amazing for his time! Extremely conservative (individualist libertarian actually!) who maintained integrity in an era of massive government expansion. 
National Review

Worst Thing About Childhood


Worst Thing About Childhood

This is a piece comparing the safety-obsession in childhood and adulthood. I also wrote this quite a while ago, check out this link for the full article on my, well, article blog.

"Adults choke the vitality out of children—ostensibly “for their own good”. And we grow into adults who perpetrate the same injustices by suppressing each other. Do we pathetically clamor for more safety or face the thrill of risk and the challenge of responsibility? We must recognize that freedom to make choices is not only freedom to make mistakes—it is also freedom to succeed and to transcend oneself." 
Daily News Dig

Benny Benassi


Chromeo - Jealous (Benny Benassi Remix)

So, everyday I want to share an awesome song that I think no one cannot like. Because. Thinking needs great background music.

This is a house track, originally by the renowned, nu-Disco Chromeo, remixed by the legendary, old sage Benny Benassi. Really nice song about genuine and quite adorable jealousy. 

Gods That Failed


Gods That Failed

Check out an article I wrote for my high school newspaper (so long ago). I hope my writing has improved, ha, ha. It's about Capitalism verses Democracy. And thank you, We the Individuals, for this opportunity. 

"Free market capitalism and democracy are diametrically opposed. We only need to look at history. Democracy held the gun, while capitalism, the individual, was and is no god, but a delicate lamb. Thus, democracy, the majority, is just a tyrannical and greedy wolf. No gods. Just kings and servants."

"Gay Marriage"


"Gay Marriage"

Government OUT of it. No mainstream "socially liberal" garbage here. Sorry, Gary Johnson. C'mon. You know the only reason government got involved in the first place was to prevent interracial marriage (post Civil War anti-miscegenation laws in many states) 

Sigh...tax benefits, adoption policies, hospitals visits...yes, I acknowledge these are legitimate concerns, for my future too. Get the government out of these things too! Just goes to show, within less than two centuries, within decades, governments were responsible for such blatantly horrible laws. Makes you think, can the government earn a reputation as a moral force in just a matter of years? I certainly think it's far from it!
We the Individuals

Why I Am Against the State


We the Individuals



There is such a thing as authority (the right to control, command or determine). A parent has authority over a helpless toddler (one's rights from conception on increase with potential independence--more on this subject later). A scientist has authority in a chemical company. A pastor (sigh) has authority in his church. The nature of these relationships is very different from the relationship we are forced to have with "democratically elected" or government appointed officials. Why do cops, IRS agents, heads of states, or even government-employed intellectuals and scientists have any legitimacy? Let's see, they have the guns. And, more importantly, they can only exist because of our delusional complacency and recognition of this mythical and immoral concept of government power, in a physical and intellectual sense. 

I don't see any legitimacy in any agency's reports, in the president's new tax plans, in the policemen's search warrants, or in the Fed's interest rate goals. Folks, its all baloney. Baloney powered by corruption, greed, strict tradition, blood-thirst, and  foolish or phony intentions. That pretty much covers every government worker (some are quite harmless and modest; I apologize to you). Specific examples to come.

Cafe Press

Blog Title


We break the "law" everyday. Jay-walking, downloading a movie file, drinking under-aged, smoking drugs, giving money to the homeless, singing happy-birthday in public...we know so many authoritative, futile, or just plain ridiculous laws. Remember when homosexual sex was illegal in Texas? We can begin to separate between things that are wrong--killing, stealing, threatening--and things that are deemed "illegal." State law is NOT morality or ethics or even logic at that matter.

So why make everything illegal? Ha, ha. Ironic. Well, actually, take drugs for example. I would prefer marijuana to be illegal over having it legalized, regulated, and taxed. I like how dealers earn reputations and buyers hear recommendations without a reviewing agency. I like how it's a simple exchange of money and a product that is practically harmless if used responsibly, as buyers do not want any trouble. More on the subject of drugs to come. Another example is gay marriage. I think that it would be beautiful if I could bring my future partner to a (secular) alter and have some spiritually (in a non-religious way) unite us. No government worker between us explaining our tax benefits. More on this subject as well.

In short, I believe we should work towards a future where everything is "illegal", er, not under state control. Ah, ha! Get it?
Weed List